
Hello! I am Taranjeet Singh, a third-year Undergraduate pursing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from IIITDM Jabalpur

I have a hands-on experience in Django. I have been working on it from past 1 year and have worked as Django Developer during my Summer Internship 2019. I am currently exploring ReactJS and Contributing to Open Source Project as part of GirlScript Summer of Code

Basic Information
Programming :
Python, Java, Javascript, C/C++
Frameworks and Technologies:
Django, NodeJS, ReactJS,
SQL, MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite, MongoDB
PHP, Git, Open-CV
Work Experience

June 2019 - Sep 2019

Petpal Technologies
Software Engineering Intern

  • Built the Pharmaceutical Chatbot to perform the Medicine Query. The product has all the features of a Chatbot with a functionality for users to place orders. This was developed using ReactJS, NodeJS, DialogFlow.
  • Designed and Developed RESTful APIs using Django REST Framework for the Android App.

Feb 2020 - Present

Open Source Contributor
  • Working on two project – BlogMan and footsteps app as a participant in GirlScript Summer of Code, which is a 3 month long Open Source program during summer conducted by GirlScript Foundation
  • Exploring Javascript technologies through the projects

2017 - Present

Bachelor's Degree
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA : 7.5

Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur

  • I am a third-year Undergraduate pursuing B.Tech from IIITDM Jabalpur
  • Major Courses : Data Structure and Algorithms, DBMS, Machine Learning, Operating System
  • 2015 - 2016

    Class 12th, ISC
    Percentage : 94%

    S.T Mary's School

  • District Topper in ISC Board Exams
  • Qualified Second Level in International Olympiad of Mathematics
  • Projects
    Computer Vision Project using OpenCV
    Driver Montitoring System using OpenCV
    Skills used: OpenCV, RaspberryPi
    • Buit the computer vision system made with the help of opencv that can automatically detect driver drowsiness in a real-time video stream and then play an alarm if the driver appears to be drowsy.
    • This can helps in reducing the death rate of the road accidents
    Web Application using Django
    Stock Manager using Django
    Skills used: Django, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQLite
    • Built a Platform to manage the Purchase, Stock and Sales of items and reduce the manual work
    • The administrator can retrieve all information relating to Sales and Stock.
    • The whole was built on Django Admin Interface
    Enterprise Resource Planning Project using Django
    Complaint Module for ERP project of IIITDM Jabalpur
    Skills used: Python/Django, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, MySQL
    • Worked on the complaint module of IIITDMJ where students, faculty can login and register their complaint. Response to the complaint is done bythe concerned authority.
    • Built tools to help caretakers manage the workers and get the complaint resolved.
    Web page using PHP, JavaScript, MySQL
    Schedule Manager webpage
    Skills used: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL
    • Designed and Developed a Todo list application where a user can create, read, update and delete the task
    • Retrieve the task based on the priority
    Desktop application using Open-CV, PyQt
    Lost Person Tracker
    Skills used: Open-CV, PyQt, kNN algorithm
    • Built a tool to find the lost person. Designed and developed a Python Desktop application to upload the image of lost person
    • Applied kNN algorithm for detecting the face with all the uploaded faces of found persons.
    Web page using PHP, JavaScript, MySQL
    High Flier webpage
    Skills used: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL
    • A website designed to motivate people through the success story of Eminent Personalities. A user can read, comment and share those stories on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter
    • The website is hosted here
    Web Application using Django
    Polling Web App
    Skills used: Django, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
    • Developed a simple poll app in which an admin can create a poll. User can then login to view and cast votes on the poll
    • Result are displayed in the form of a graph
    Contact Me
    Feel free to contact me




